Darwen, Lancashire
07871 777 203
Appointments can be cancelled without charge up to 48 hours prior to your service booked.
All cancellations within 24 hours will incur a charge of 50% of the service booked (very often we manage to book someone else in your place and no charges apply then)
Cancellations made on the day of your appointment or any no shows will be charged full price for the service booked.
We reserve the right to shorten your treatment if you arrive late, however the original treatment cost will still apply.
Before the massage treatment, please:
Contact us, if you have any questions prior your treatment
Relax your mind - all the information given is confidential
Inform of any allergies or health conditions, when booking your treatment
Inform if you are pregnant or trying to conceive
Arrive on time
Wear dark, comfortable clothing to avoid any oil stains
Clip your hair up, if medium to long hair
Remove any jewellery
Eat a light meal so your blood sugar levels don't drop too much
Be happy - you are going for a massage!
Eat heavy meals - at least 2 hours before the massage treatment
Drink any alcohol on the day of your massage
Take any painkillers - at least 4-6 hours before the massage treatment
Use any body fragrance, it may interfere with essential oils
Use any body lotions, it could prevent massage oils being absorbed by the skin
Worry about unshaved legs ladies! It won't affect the treatment in any way!

During the massage treatment, please:
Answer all the consultation questions honestly, it will help to plan a unique treatment that suits your individual needs
Inform your practitioner of any medications you have taken within 24hours
Undress to your own comfort but keep in mind that your modesty will be protected at all the time by covering your body parts with towels and sheets
Give feedback- of the pressure
- of the room temperature
- of any discomfort
- of the music volume
- of needing a break - to go toilet, have some water etc
Breath slowly and deeply, it helps you to relax and decreases the discomfort that may appear, when the affected, sore muscles are treated
Do what makes you relaxed and happy
- drift off or relax in silence
- talk, ask questions and interact with the therapist
Take your time when getting off the massage table, you may feel light headed
Think about any matters - this is your time to relax and enjoy the experience
Worry if you are ticklish - the massage practitioner will adopt the pressure to your comfort
After the massage treatment, please:
Recommend Darwen Massage Therapy to your family and friends
Follow the aftercare advice given by the therapist - some stretching or relaxation techniques, postural improvement, nutritional changes, a referral to a different specialist etc
Remember - massage is a form of passive exercise so avoid any major physical activities, unless received pre-event sports massage
Drink more water or herbal tea to enhance the elimination of metabolic and cellular waste
Drink less or no alcohol and caffeine based drinks to avoid unnecessary dehydration that may cause headache, lack of energy
Keep warm
Relax, have a bath or a sleep - your body may need to rest, just like it would after a major physical exercise
Keep in mind - prevention is better than the cure, if you have a tendency to musculoskeletal problems, related to your occupation or sport, then consider having regular massage treatments
Enjoy the endorphin rush and the feeling of relaxation and regeneration after the massage!
Worry if you experience some changes in your physical or emotional well-being - for instance frequent visits to toilet, increased thirst, feeling of tiredness or over stimulation, headache, cold like symptoms - it is absolutely normal and natural and is seen as a positive result of the treatment. It is more likely to happen if you receive massage treatments on rare occasions and will settle within a few to 48 hours.