Darwen, Lancashire
07871 777 203
Darwen Massage Therapy Treatments:
Darwen Massage Therapy offers professional massage treatments and sports therapy.
Please, see the list below to consider which massage treatment would suit you best or contact Darwen Massage Therapy for an advice - 07871 777 203.
Sports Massage
- for clients practising any type of physical activity, training or sport
- deep tissue
- a wide variety of massage, stretching and neuromuscular techniques, together with joint mobilisation are used
- the techniques are specific to client's sport of choice, with focus on a particular troublesome area or the whole body
- involves client participation - moving around, lifting / bending limbs, lying in different positions - as instructed by the therapist
- promotes flexibility to decrease risk of injury
- reduces post-workout recovery time
- improves endurance
- offers balance to training regime

Remedial Massage
- for clients with chronic or acute musculoskeletal pains and aches, repetitive strain injuries, headaches, migraines
- deep tissue
- a wide variety of massage techniques, together with fascia release, trigger point therapy and joint mobilisation are used
- involves occasional client participation
- releases muscle tension
- loosens scar tissue and lengthens muscles
- provides deep pain relief if used regularly

Holistic Pregnancy Massage
- for pregnant ladies, expecting a relaxing massage experience, adapted to their individual needs
- light to medium pressure
- a wide variety of massage techniques are used
- helps to maintain and improve overall health
- reduces muscle tension
- promotes relaxation

Aromatherapy Relaxing Massage
- for clients wanting to rejuvenate and relax
- light pressure
- a range of gentle, slow, relaxing massage techniques are applied
- 100% natural essential oil blend is used, depending on client's specific needs - for instance anxiety, insomnia, depression, fatigue
- decreases stress, anxiety
- loosens tight muscles
- different essential oils alleviate specific health conditions

Scalp, Head, Neck Massage
- for clients suffering with headaches, migraines, neck and shoulders problems
- light to medium pressure
- specific massage techniques, alongside trigger point therapy and joint mobilisation are used
- releases compression in the affected areas, which alleviates stress and pain
- aids relaxation
- National Migraine Centre states that massage therapy might be as effective as certain medications in the prophylatic management of migraine!

Anti cellulite, Toning Leg Massage
- specifically designed for ladies trying to loose weight
- deep pressure
- a wide range of massage techniques is applied
- helps to reduce the appearance of cellulite and fluid retention
- unique essential oils are applied, which detoxify body tissues
- stimulates circulation and lymphatic system
- helps to increase the elimination of metabolic waste
- helps to firm, tighten and tone skin, using special carrier and essential oils, together with applied massage techniques
- supports skin elasticity
- please note, no treatment will eliminate cellulite without other changes in client's diet and lifestyle but this massage is a great way of speeding up this process
- a course of treatments is necessary to see results (please, contact us to discuss a discounted price)